How to use

1. Home page -- any new information, news or important announcements will be posted front-and-center on the home page. The home page is a "blog" style news-feed, so the newest information will always be on top, and older information will be further down the page. After a certain period of time, the articles will be deleted or archived in the appropriate section.

2. Main Menu (top menu). This contains all the important sub-sections for more detailed information.

  • About Us - About Us are a collection of organizational links including Weekly Announcements, which we will post important, detailed information for the week, Band Calendar to see upcoming events and Fundraising information.
  • Student Resources - Student Resources focuses on the things students need to be successful in the band program. Look for the Handbook and Band Forms here.
  • Music Resources - Music Resources provides links to marching sets, music and information specific to sections of the various bands.

3. Upcoming Events (Right-Hand panel). This is a live feed synced directly with our Google Calendar. All of the official band events will be listed here. You may also sync the calendar with your own Google calendar to make sure you never miss a date by clicking the "+ Google Calendar" button at the bottom of the panel!

4. Social Media (right-hand/bottom). These are direct feeds to our official WaRu Band Facebook. Much of our important information and news are updated in real-time on these social media outlets. Search "WARU Band" on Facebook and like the page for pictures, videos, and updates. Day to day updates and important info will primarily be sent on the app, Slack. Search to be added.

5. Slide Out Menu - clicking the menu button in the top left corner (three lines) opens a slide out menu allowing you to sign up for the email distribution list and get our contact information.